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статья/документ по запросу ресурса "430"
Agilent Chemstation - Workflow for Innovative Internal Standard Method

Here, the algorithm of actions in the Agilent Chemstation program is considered in detail to obtain results for the innovative "ethanol - internal standard" method. The material presented is shown in the following order:

1. Performing Calibration

2. Single-point calibration

3. Multi-point calibration

To get acquainted with all the material, click the "Read more..." button in the lower right part of the news.

In order to carry out the determination of the quantitative content of volatile compounds in alcoholic beverages, it is necessary to perform a calibration (create a calibration table) for each volatile compound. An example of a completed calibration is shown in the document.

1. Performing Calibration

2. Single point calibration

The presentation below presents an algorithm for calculating concentrations of volatile compounds using single-point calibration using both the external standard method and the innovative Ethanol-Internal Standard method. The presentation is available at link.

Using this, the following examples of reports for innovative method were obtained:

The reports presented above for the innovative method are available at the links

PB-2 Brandy Vodka Cognac Calvados

3. Multi-point calibration

Below are examples of reports obtained using the calculation for 3 levels using the innovative method:

You can download the reports presented above for the calculation of 3 levels according to the innovative method here:

PB-1 РВ-2 Brandy Vodka Cognac Calvados

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INP logo Институт ядерных проблем БГУ
IAEA BSU logo Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus Gosatomnadzor The Joint Institute for Power and   Nuclear Research - SOSNY